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November Contest!

Pilgrims, pumpkins, turkeys, and pie; tis the season, is it not? Maybe you don't celebrate a traditional Thanksgiving, maybe you do. Either way, we are certain you have something to write about.

Submit a written work addressing, however tangentially, the following question: What is Thanksgiving?

There are two categories you can enter: Creative Writing and Non Fiction. Creative writers, you aren't limited to short stories! From poetry to one-act plays, introspective character studies to vivid monologues, you are free to write. If you are more interested in the history of Thanksgiving, the modern-day culture around it, or anything less "fiction," the self-explanatory Non Fiction category is for you. Personal narratives also fall into this section, for those who have a story to tell.

There is a maximum word count of 500.

The cut-off for submission is November 19th, the Friday before Thanksgiving Break. We will review your submissions the week after the break and announce the winners that week.

The best written work of each category will be posted here, on the Writing Center website. The authors of these first-place compositions will receive their respective prizes during their Green Day lunch block.

Thank you to all participating students! Please fill out this google form!

Good luck, and happy writing!

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November Contest Completed

Thank you to all who participated in the November Contest! It was exhilarating, watching submissions come in and finding other students (and teachers) who enjoy writing in any of its forms. After muc

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